Okay, this one is going by pretty quickly, so we need to start planning already. What is our next book, guys?
I'll set out some guidelines and then offer a couple of suggestions of my own.
First, I would like to alternate fiction and non-fiction. So the next should be fiction. Second, it should be a book that, in some respects, is at the edges of today's Overton Window if not entirely outside it. Anything that is sincerely representing Christianity would do that.
Our first fiction book was G.K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday. A few suggestions for a follow-up: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Victoria: A Novel of Fourth Generation War by Thomas Hobbes. The Day of the Rope by Devon Stack.
As usual, I am open to other suggestions. I have read The Screwtape Letters. I've not read the other two, but have some idea about their contents.
I'd also like to note that the fact that I made suggestions does not make yours futile. Our current book was not one of my suggestions, and I am open to input. Please tell me what you'd like us to discuss together.
On a personal note, tomorrow I am going in for an ultrasound on my right knee. This will make three methods of medical imaging on one joint. If all goes well, I should be having surgery to repair that knee sometime in the next month. Prayers would be appreciated.