Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The convergence of the legal system

So Vox Day defines convergence as an institution or organization ceasing to serve the purpose for which it was created, and instead being turned to serve social justice. Now, our book is more specifically about corporate convergence, but this case is related.

The Hunt for Dystopia D'NaeNae

Large sections of our "justice" system are completely converged. They no longer serve the purpose of equally enforcing laws against stealing, assault, murder, rape, etc. Instead, the goal of these corrupt institutions (courts, police departments, etc.) appears to be protecting non-white criminals against whites who choose to defend themselves from crime. If you live in one of these areas and are a victim of a crime by a non-white, your chances of justice are slim indeed.

Another example of this, the Bay Area Rapid Transit refusing to release footage of criminal actions from their surveillance cameras. Why are they doing this? To not promote racial stereotypes. Now, why would releasing such footage promote racial stereotypes? Unless, of course, the criminals are overwhelmingly of a particular race. And in that case, they are withholding information people genuinely need in order to act wisely to protect themselves.

The corruption of our government in this manner is horrific. It may be beyond repair. What is coming next, I have no idea. Assuming that the U.S. is still a single entity, at some point after Trump, a Democrat will be elected president again. What will they do then, considering how they've been behaving during his presidency.

Yech. This came out far more bleak than I had intended. God be with all of you.

Two announcements: First, unless anyone has serious objections, it appears the most popular suggestion for our next book is Dante's Inferno. I think we should be able to cover 2 cantos a week. From past experience, most of my time reading that was spent not on the text itself but on all of the notes needed to explain many of the references. There are, of course, many translations out there. I would suggest Dorothy Sayers's as she actually translates it into terza rima, as it is in Italian. Whichever translation you use, I would strongly suggest including the quotes in your comments, as something which makes sense from yours may not be so clear from a different translation.

Second, I have surgery tomorrow at noon for my knee. Your prayers would be appreciated. Hopefully, in a few months, it'll be like this never happened and I can run again. That would be wonderful.

Talk with you all Saturday morning. My own comments on recent chapters will be posted shortly.