So I mentioned this on Saturday. If we are to continue this, we should pick a new book fairly soon. I arbitrarily decided a while ago that we should alternate between fiction and non-fiction. As I said, I'm open to suggestions. Let's see what comes up.
My own suggestions for our next book:
The Two-Income Trap by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
Nope, I'm not kidding at all. Apparently, 16 years ago, Warren actually had something useful to say and wasn't whining about wah-men all the time. Having lived with this up close for the past eight years, I'm curious what she says. If it helps, Tucker Carlson appears to think well of this book.
The Irrational Atheist
Vox Day systematically destroys the new atheists piece by bloody piece. I read this a few years back and have been wanting to re-read it recently. Also, in case you're unaware, online atheists are a pack of whiny, oversensitive pricks, almost as bad as transsexuals.
Suggestions from others (I'll leave it to the commenter who suggested it to make the argument):
The Great Heresies by Hillaire Belloc
The first one we did by Belloc was good. I don't object on principle.
Suicide of a the West by James Burnham
We're all liberals here. No, I'm not really joking. We kind of are. If we choose this one, be sure you don't pick up Goldberg's by mistake. I really wouldn't want to give that guy any more money.
Corporate Cancer by Vox Day
I'd be fine with this one. His books I've read so far have been well-argued.
So, what do you guys think? Which would you be in or out for? Any other suggestions? Any arguments for or against any of these?