Saturday, March 21, 2020

Chapter IX The Man in Spectacles and Chapter X The Duel

Chapter IX The Man in Spectacles

In which Syme and De Worms go to confront Dr. Bull and learn from him the plan for the assassination, in hopes of preventing it.

Chapter X The Duel

In which Syme offers to pull the Marquis's nose, and eventually does.

So, two questions and a personal note.

Question 1: For those who have not read this book before, would you care to make any predictions as to the ending?

If you have read it before, or are reading ahead (no objection, just no spoilers please), neither confirm nor deny these please. I'm just curious, at this point in the book, what newcomers expect.

Question 2: Does anyone especially not want Corporate Cancer by Vox Day as our next book?

Personal note: My wife is recovering pretty well. I suppose it's theoretically possible that things could go wrong at this point, but there's no real reason to expect so.

My knee.

I got the call from my doctor's office Thursday morning. I have a torn meniscus as well as a couple of other things which are probably complications from that. I have an appointment with a specialist . . . a month from now. Treatments range from physical therapy to surgery. I have no idea how we'll afford either, especially given that the complete papier-mache castle that is our economy appears to be collapsing. I also have no idea, assuming we can get the necessary treatment, what kind of function I can expect to get back. Will it be full function? Will this just be walking without pain? Will I ever be able to run again? Don't know.

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.