I was planning a post of my own on this subject, but Blackpilled posted a video that covered it pretty well, so I'm going to link to him and add a few thoughts of my own. With that said, I present: Rudolph the Jewish Reindeer.
Now for a few of my own thoughts: First off, this is another case where, in order for there to be conflict and discontent, there doesn't need to be any backroom conspiracy with Grabbler hand-wringing. (Look up some recent Owen Benjamin, if you don't get the name.) There doesn't even need to be a hint of malice. All you have to have is a few people in the right position who kind-of-almost-but-not-quite fit in and who want to take part.
I don't think any of these were written in the spirit of, "Heh heh heh! We'll show those filthy goyim! We're going to destroy one of their most sacred holy days and turn it into meaningless secular garbage!" I think most of them were outsiders who wanted to contribute and take part. I think most of them probably genuinely liked their goyim neighbors and wanted to contribute to the feelings of the season.
And yet . . . and yet . . . if you turn on a random radio station or walk into a store anywhere in the U.S. in December, you'll hear lots of "generic winter holiday" music, but very little Christmas music. The funny and frustrating part is that there are huge swathes of the country, like where I currently live, that almost never see snow, so "White Christmas" or "Jingle Bells" are that much more meaningless to us. And of course there are all of the (((Hollywood))) "Christmas" movies. And to a genuine Christian, this gets grating very quickly.
Christmas means something. That's why some people disagree with it. "Generic winter holiday" means nothing, and that's why everybody gets to play along. And that's why it's boring and stupid and bland.
And in yet another case of an "anti-semite" being the person who says about Jews what they say about themselves, but doesn't like it, you can find Jews talking about this phenomenon quite a bit.
Two last things, a belated merry Christmas to all, and a Hannakuh sameach to Yehuda. And, why the heck not, a little filk of my own from several years back:
I'm dreaming of a white supremacist
just like the ones I used to know
where his shaved head glistens
[Two lines that only exist in my head because I have never spoken them to anyone].
I'm dreaming of a white supremacist
with every triple K I write.
May your days be merry and bright,
and may all your ancestors be white!