Saturday, December 28, 2019

Chapter VIII Bolshevism

The revolution in Russia will be the historical point of departure whence will date the renewed hostility to the Jew in Western Europe.
Examination of that revolution—it was (as said in Chapter III) "a Jewish movement, but not a movement of the Jewish race:" importance of this distinction—unfortunately the two different terms "Jewish race" and "a Jewish movement" are confused in the popular mind.
The Revolution not the result of an accident or of a universal plot—element of racial revenge—the Jew not a revolutionary—special character of the Russian situation—Industrial Capitalism, the great evil of our time, there recent and weak—therefore open to special attack—an international evil—the only two international forces applicable were the Jews and the Catholic Church—why the Catholic Church cannot directly attack industrial Capitalism—why the Jew who happens to be opposed to it can and does directly attack it—neither our instinct for property nor our Nationalism an obstacle in his case.
Grave perils to the Jew arise from his identification with Bolshevism—the more reason to meet these perils by a sane treatment of the Jewish problem.