LeFou, I’m afraid I’ve been thinking
A dangerous pastime.
I know.
If you are an American and do not wish to be furious almost all of the time, do not, I repeat, do not start looking up who is and is not Jewish. As they say, the first one's free. It's addictive and it will very quickly start making you very, very angry.
So, here we have 1 Jew interviewing three other Jews about how they can overturn an election by the American people. The only non-Jew in this scenario was the one telling them this is a bad idea and sets a dangerous precedent.
Why am I linking that story? Because I read that and wondered, "What kind of parent is proud of her child being a murderous political radical?" So I looked up some information about Kathy Boudin. Oh . . . she's (((Kathy Boudin))). And the same applies to Bernadine Dohrn, also a hard-left radical of the sixties, and, for that matter, also granted a cushy tenured academic position in the hell-scape of our ivy-league universities.
Name a prominent left-wing activist in America over the past 50 years and it's basically a coin-flip if they're Jewish. At this rate, I'm going to be growing a toothbrush mustache before next New Year's.