In this chapter, Carlson describes the consensus on immigration and how the left has shifted on the issue. It used to be understood that the primary purpose of our government was to serve those who were, in fact, already Americans. Now, however, government policy, affirmed and encouraged by major corporations, is to be far more concerned with the well-being of the populations of every third-world country, whose well-being is apparently best served by importing them to the U.S.
Carlson provides several examples, including hero of the American left today, Hugo Chavez (a hero mostly because he's not white). Chavez, though an immigrant himself, was a harsh immigration restrictionist, understanding that a constant inflow of new immigrants could only drive down wages. However, while still venerating him and adopting his slogan "Yes, we can!" today's left completely denies this basic fact of economics.
Other examples of this shift include the labor unions, and the environmentalist group the Sierra Club, both of which, for differing reasons used to oppose increased immigration, and both of which, in recent decades, have turned a complete 180 on the issue.