Saturday, January 30, 2021

Chapter One - The Convergence

 Carlson first describes how the political left in America has changed. He says that, although a little loopy, the left used to care about real issues and actually work to oppose power and protect the little guy. Now, he says, the left is fully on board with nigh all-powerful technocrats running everything and economically crushing the little guy into the dust.

Foxconn manufactures our iPhones under conditions which make American chattel slavery look homey. Uber calls its drivers "contractors," takes no responsibility for them as a company would for employees, and pays them almost nothing. The left offers not a word of protest.

He describes at length two examples to demonstrate the nature of today's "liberals": Mark Zuckerberg and his company Facebook and Chelsea Clinton. Facebook, Carlson, says, is abusive and destructive to its users and its leadership is openly contemptuous of "lesser people." Carlson describes Chelsea Clinton as entitled virtually from birth, vastly praised and rewarded for no discernible accomplishments.

These two, Carlson contends, exemplify today's ruling elite.

I must add a note of caution here to some people who are joining in the discussion. From my own notes so far and browsing through the rest of the book, there is an issue which will be coming up in the comments which may trouble you.

This book is about a ruling elite who are carelessly destroying our country. It is a simple fact that many of that ruling elite are Jewish. Just in this first chapter, there are two examples. Carlson never mentions this fact, but fact it remains. And considering they are approximately two percent of the U.S. population, their wild overrepresentation among those causing such destruction is worthy of comment.

I promise this will not descend into wild rants against "the Jooooooooooz" or plotting their destruction, but I (and probably a few other commenters) will also not be silent about this when it is relevant to the book.