Saturday, February 13, 2021

Chapter Three - Foolish Wars

Tucker Carlson documents our ruling class's infatuation with getting the United States into wars which have little to no connection to the interests of the people of the U.S.

Carlson starts off by reporting the warmongering of one Max Boot. From the year 2000 all the way up through today, Boot has advocated over and over for the United States to attack country after country with no clear overall purpose, or at least no purpose relevant to the American people. Countries on Boot's hit list include Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, and Russia.

Boot, by the way, who is so eager to throw the U.S. military, largely composed of white Christians, into the meatgrinder, is Jewish.

Carlson documents the collapse of the anti-war left from the end of the Vietnam war to today. Although there used to be a faction of liberals fervently opposed to the violence of war, that has evaporated over the past 50 years. They made a brief resurgence during George W. Bush's presidency, but as evidenced by their disinterest in Obama's wars, this was strictly about partisan politics, not opposition to war.

Carlson then turns the spotlight to the biggest warmonger of the nominal right: Bill Kristol. Kristol is a never-Trump "conservative." He was initially a supporter of Donald Trump's campaign, but was infuriated when Trump said that the Iraq war was a disaster we should never have taken part in. Kristol seems to imagine himself as the kingmaker of the conservative movement, and has had some success, including sidelining Pat Buchanan. He also has a consistent track record of cheering on war here, there, and everywhere.

Bill Kristol, eager to start wars he and his will take no part in, is also Jewish. Carlson neglects to mention this, nor that he shares it in common with Max Boot.

I just wanted to say thank you to all the regular commenters here. I realize I am sometimes slow in putting up my own thoughts on a chapter. But I really enjoy reading all of your thoughts and watching the discussion. So thank you WanderingWonderer, Wiffiely, Mark Taylor, Lugnuts, and anyone I missed.

Keep up the interesting conversation.