Carlson says we appear to be aboard a ship whose crew have gone insane, thrown the captain overboard, and are steering the ship (and all of us) towards certain doom.
He starts this analysis by wondering how the hell Donald Trump got elected to the presidency. This is not a normal candidate, and not one chosen by a happy, contented populace. He is the choice of desperation, screaming that this system is not working for us.
He says that the problems are evident from the decline of the middle class and the increasing separation between the classes in America. The rich and the ordinary working Joe don't interact anymore, except in positions of explicit service. He talks about the problems caused by mass immigration and ethnic diversity. He says the opioid crisis which is killing millions of Americans has been left entirely unaddressed.
The real problem, though, is that our ruling elites simply hold the American people in contempt. They do not care about us or our problems. They consider us more or less a nuisance. This is a dangerously unstable situation, especially in a nominal democracy. So we need to take a look at who these people are, what they are doing, and what we the people can do about it.
As usual, next week we'll do the next chapter. Unfortunately, the chapters are of uneven length in this book, so we'll just have to roll with that. I can't conveniently bundle two 20 page chapters together in one week as we've done sometimes before.