Saturday, January 25, 2020

Chapters XII and XIII Our Duty and Their Duty

Our Duty
This but a consequence of the conditions established in Chapters IV, V and VI—our double duty of mixing with the Jews and of recognizing their separate nationality—necessity of openly admitting this separate nationality in conversation and social habits—in spite of difficulties opposed by convention—in this the wealthier classes should follow the lead of the populace—folly and danger of Fear in this matter—the fear of Jewish power a degrading and exasperating thing to the European—delay makes it worse—our plain duty is to recognize this alien nation, to respect it, and to treat it frankly as we do every nationality other than one's own.

Their Duty 271
Only a brief mention—for interference or advice in domestic concerns of Jewry would be an impertinence—but it is clear that all specially Jewish institutions favour the right policy for which I plead—those already in existence—schools, newspapers, Jewish societies—all increase of these institutions should be welcome, because they emphasize and make clear the separate nationality of the Jew.

As I said in my mid-week post, who hear thinks they'd stick around for The Man Who Was Thursday? If it helps, Chesterton was a friend of Belloc's. And I can promise if you haven't already read it, it's a fun ride.

I think I like the idea of alternating between fiction and non-fiction, but if no one else is interested in that plan, then I'll have to do something else to keep this running. So who's up for it?

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