Saturday, January 18, 2020

Chapter XI Zionism

Zionism     231

    The chief interest of the Zionist experiment lies in its reaction upon the international position of the Jew—yet that point is not yet discussed—what will be the effect of the experiment on the position of Jews outside Palestine, necessarily the vast majority of the race?—an inevitable alternative—either the Jews lose their international position through loss of the fiction that they are not a nation—or the Zionist experiment breaks down—effect especially in Eastern Europe.

    Special effect of the experiment on Great Britain—difficulty of maintaining sacrifice for purely Jewish interests—which now clash with British—unpopularity of such sacrifice inevitable—grave error of first appointment to the headship of the New State—unworthiness of the politician chosen for that position.

As I said before, we are approaching the end of this book. I'd like to continue this group, but we need a plan for the next. I suggested The Man Who Was Thursday, but I am open to other suggestions. Anyone?