Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Anyone who terrorizes our Jewish community WILL face justice.

That title is from a Twitter post by NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. He's getting worked up by violence in his city against Jews. Of course, you could drop pallets of $100 bills in front of him, and he'd still never admit that the violence was primarily being committed by blacks, but that's beside my point.

Can anyone seriously imagine a U.S. politician with a nation-wide voice saying, "Anyone who terrorizes white people in our community WILL face justice"? No. The very notion is ridiculous. And this is at the center of what most of us here are angry about.

Actual Americans, the heirs of the people who built this country, know that this country is no longer being run for our benefit. Not just that, but our interests are not even seriously considered most of the time. Jews are not the only ones who have displaced us in this regard, but they clearly have far more power and influence than, for instance, blacks or east Asians.

And Belloc is right. If we cannot resolve this to the satisfaction of the majority of Americans, this will end in violence. And that would be quite bad for the Jews. It would also leave a spiritual stain on us. But any resolution would necessarily involve Jews admitting their role in causing these problems, and that, well, that seems highly unlikely.