Sunday, July 18, 2021

Chapter 11 - Battle Begun

 Part 1 - Dimble, Denniston, and Jane search for Merlin. They struggle through the woods in the rain to come upon an empty campsite beside a fire.

Part 2 - Frost, Whithers, and Hardcastle plot what to do with Mark. The scene ends with a bizarre, diabolic parody of a hug and friendly laughter.

Part 3 - Mark is locked in prison awaiting death. He finally confronts, without illusion, what he and his life have been like. He is repulsed.

So I seem to have misplaced my own copy of the book. I'm about to order another. Fortunately, I've been keeping my notes in a separate notebook. In the meantime, I'll probably listen to an audio version from the library.

I look forward to your comments.

One question: How many chapters do we have left?