Monday, July 12, 2021

Chapter 10 - The Conquered City

Part 1 - Deputy Director Whithers and Hardcastle tell Mark his wallet was found at the site of Hingest's murder. They implicitly threaten him with murder charges if he doesn't stick with N.I.C.E. (Because everything they do is implicit. They never directly come out & say anything.) The Deputy Director demands he brings Jane.

Part 2 - Mark flees the N.I.C.E. and goes to Edgestow in search of Jane. He sees the refugees fleeing N.I.C.E.'s actions, and sees how the ordinary citizens of nearby towns seem completely uninterested and unsympathetic. Mark panics upon arriving home and failing to find Jane. But upon finding someone to blame (Dimble) and having a drink, he manages to reconcile himself mentally with N.I.C.E.

Part 3 - Mark meets with Dimble to ask where Jane is. Dimble rebuffs him, saying he cannot tell Mark for the sake of Jane's safety. He does, however, offer Mark a chance to escape. Mark says he needs time to think about it. Upon leaving Dimble's office, Mark is arrested by the N.I.C.E. police for the murder of Hingest.