Saturday, May 29, 2021

Chapter 2 - Dinner with the Sub-warden

Pt. 1 - Mark Studdock has dinner with Curry, the bursar, and Dick Devine. After Curry & the bursar have to leave, he continues his conversation with Devine and learns a little more about the nature & eventual goals of N.I.C.E. Devine extends possible invitation to join the organization.

Pt. 2 - Mark comes home to find Jane an emotional wreck. He is utterly unable to help her or even comprehend the problem.

Pt. 3 - The next morning over breakfast, Mark & Jane have an argument, neither able to address what is really frustrating them. The chapter ends with Mark leaving to meet the director of N.I.C.E. and Jane leaving to meet Dr. Dimble’s friend, Miss Ironwood.

So the chapters in this book are reliably about 20 pages. Does one chapter a week sound good to everyone here? Should we go faster? Slow down?