Vanni Fucci defies God and flees, pursued by the monster Cacus. Three more spirits arrive, and the Poets watch while one of them becomes blended with the form of a reptile containing the spirit of a fourth, and the second exchanges shapes with yet another transformed Thief.
Dante, with bitter irony, reproaches Florence. The Poets climb up and along the rugged spur to the arch of the next bridge, from which they see the Counellors of Fraud moving along the floor of the Eighth Bowge, each wrapped in a tall flame. Virgil stops the twin-flame which contains the souls of Ulysses and Diomede, and compels Ulysses to tell the story of his last voyage.
I apologize for the late post, everyone. Honestly, I'm a little behind in my reading myself. There are four or five things colliding all at once to make this a very weird and frustrating time for me and my family. I'd rather not go into detail here so as not to reveal too much identifying information.
So here is this week's post. I'll have to catch up soon. As far as I can see, it looks like the group is settling on Tucker Carlson's book, which is convenient for me as I already have a copy.