Sunday, August 2, 2020

Cantos XIX and XX - The Simoniacs and the Sorcerers

Canto XIX

In the Third Bowge of Malbowges, Dante sees the Simoniacs plunge head-downwards in holes of the rock, with flames playing around their feet. He talks to the shade of Pope Nicholas III, who prophesies that two of his successors will come to the same bad end as himself. Dante rebukes the avarice of the Papacy.

In the Fourth Bowge of the Eighth Circle Dante sees the Sorcerers, whose heads are twisted so they can only look behind them, and who are therefore compelled to walk backwards. Virgil tells him about the origins of Mantua. The moon is setting as the Poets leave the bowge.

So I actually have a midweek post planned this time. Let's hope I stay organized enough to get it up in time.

Having said that, it's probably time to start contemplating the next book. Do any of you have any suggestions. Just a reminder, the plan is to alternate fiction and non-fiction, so the next should be a non-fiction book. I have a few thoughts, but I'll hold them in reserve until I've heard from you guys.

If at all possible, please do not comply with the mass hypochondria. As they are compelling us to play a part in a lie, I feel no qualms in lying to them about a medical condition. Show your face. Do not surrender your humanity.