Saturday, April 18, 2020

Corporate Cancer---Introduction and chapters 1 & 2


The author provides his own experiences with Star Wars, as a child seeing the originals, and in the past few years watching the unfolding disaster of the Disney Star Wars movies, as an example of corporate social justice convergence.

Chapter 1 Convergence

The author gives a brief explanation of social justice, including its origins, and explains the process of corporate convergence, with a comparison to the stages of cancer.

Chapter 2 The Costs of Convergence: Top Line

The author gives several examples of corporate convergence along with the damage it has done to the companies' profits. Examples include the NFL, Marvel Comics, and NASCAR.

So if you're new here, I post a brief summary of the relevant chapters here Saturday morning. The discussion is then open for everyone to throw in their comments, questions, examples, disagreements. So if you're reading along, what do you think of the book so far?