Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The convergence of Christian organizations

I was planning a different midweek post entirely, but yesterday I was browsing Facebook (And yes, yes, I probably should disconnect from Facebook. I know it's a bad idea.) and I saw something that struck me on Focus on the Family's page.

First, I saw this article:

Oh, look it's an interracial married couple. How nice. Focus on the Family is fighting that nasty racism.

Then, just a few minutes later, I see this:

Oh, two interracial couples in their article pictures in one day . . . despite such couples being a distinct minority in the U.S. It . . . it almost appears as if they're selling something. It almost appears as if they're promoting interracial marriage.

Now, I'm not going to say interracial marriage is unbiblical or unchristian. I will, however, say that it is a bad idea. In the U.S., interracial married couples have much higher rates of domestic violence and divorce than white married couples. So why, why, why would a group supposedly for the purpose of promoting strong, stable families promote this?

Oh, it's so they can't be called racist. They have accepted the moral framework of the left and are trying to defend themselves within that framework. I mean, it's obvious to us that it won't work. There is literally nothing you can do short of complete surrender on every issue for the left to stop calling you racist (or homophobe or antisemite or whatever term of abuse is convenient). It won't work for them, and if they continue with this strategy, they will be endorsing homosexual "marriage" and turning 8 year old boys into eunuch "transgenders" shortly.

Acceptance of any point of the social justice agenda is poison. And, by the way, if you are a parent and you love your children, you should strongly discourage them from interracial relationships. In this world, it's hard enough to be a good spouse and a good parent already. We shouldn't be making it more difficult than necessary just to score brownie points with people who hate us.

(Oh, and allow me to emphasize, I was not searching for this kind of thing. I wasn't going out looking for examples. I just stumbled across while browsing as I usually do.)

By the way, if you want an example of just how badly this can go, and you have some time to listen, this conversation with Stefan Molyneux is illuminating . . . and disturbing. 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Chapter 3 The Costs of Convergence: Bottom Line & Chapter 4 Virtue Signals and Warning Signs

Chapter 3

The author describes the main entry points for SJW infiltration: human resources, marketing, and diversity departments. He also describes the practical effects each of these have on a company once they are infiltrated by SJWs, including damaged employee productivity and customer loyalty.

Chapter 4

Vox Day describes how these business practices damage a company, and how a highly-converged company persists in SJW practices even when their customers make it clear they are not happy about them. Primary examples used in this chapter are Target's embrace of transsexual bathroom policy and Marvel Comics' inclusion and diversity writing.

Sorry for the late post today, guys. It's been a frustrating morning. I look forward to your discussion, and, unlike the past few main posts, I feel like I have something ready to say myself. Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The table of the days

This is a table of the main characters of The Man Who Was Thursday and some of their character traits. I had a hard time keeping certain elements of them straight, and I thought this might be helpful to others as well. Below, I'll have a paragraph with their final questions for Sunday as well.

If you're joining us for Corporate Cancer and have not read this book, I'd advise you to skip this table. It has something in the nature of spoilers, and I don't want to spoil this book. I would advise you, though, to read it and come back later. It is a truly excellent novel.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Corporate Cancer---Introduction and chapters 1 & 2


The author provides his own experiences with Star Wars, as a child seeing the originals, and in the past few years watching the unfolding disaster of the Disney Star Wars movies, as an example of corporate social justice convergence.

Chapter 1 Convergence

The author gives a brief explanation of social justice, including its origins, and explains the process of corporate convergence, with a comparison to the stages of cancer.

Chapter 2 The Costs of Convergence: Top Line

The author gives several examples of corporate convergence along with the damage it has done to the companies' profits. Examples include the NFL, Marvel Comics, and NASCAR.

So if you're new here, I post a brief summary of the relevant chapters here Saturday morning. The discussion is then open for everyone to throw in their comments, questions, examples, disagreements. So if you're reading along, what do you think of the book so far?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our next book: Corporate Cancer by Vox Day

So we are getting ready to start our third book this Saturday: Corporate Cancer by Vox Day. The discussion thread on chapters 1 and 2 will open Saturday morning. For those of you who may be new here, I post a discussion thread once a week. If I find something relevant, I post a midweek thread as well. If you'd like to join us, please add your thoughts and opinions.

Talk with you Saturday.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Chapter XV The Accuser

Chapter XV The Accuser

The Council of Days is reunited in glorious, though highly distinct, regalia. They celebrate a feast and dance, confront Sunday with their questions, and are confronted, in turn, by a great accuser.

So if everyone is ready, next week we will pick up with Chapters 1 and 2 of Corporate Cancer. I conveniently just got my copy in the mail, and have been reading the introduction. I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on the conclusion to what may be Chesterton's best novel.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Chapter XIII The Pursuit of the President and Chapter XIV The Six Philosophers

Chapter XIII The Pursuit of the President

A week having passed, the Central Anarchists Council meets once again. Sunday adjourns the meeting in an unusual fashion, and is angrily pursued by the rest of the council.

Chapter XIV The Six Philosophers

Nearing the end of their pursuit, each of the Council offers his impression of the President. Also, Thursday gets a new outfit and enjoys an excellent dinner.

Since we will be wrapping up this book next week, if you're planning on continuing with Corporate Cancer, be sure to get your copy soon. I ordered mine earlier this week, and found that it would not be arriving until April 22. It looks like if you do not already have yours, an electronic copy might be the best option.

I honestly have no idea what is going on with covid, whether this is a serious problem or everyone is losing their minds over an ordinary cold. In any case, stay safe. Wash your hands. I hope everyone here is still employed.

God be with you.