Tuesday, February 4, 2020

That didn't go well.

I wasn't going to have a midweek post this week, but then I discovered AI Dungeon, a procedurally-generated text adventure game. The computer makes up parts of a story and you respond.

So, I decide to make a time machine and travel back to 1938. I find Hitler has been murdered. And, well, I'll just show you where the story goes from there:

> Go to the year 1938
You return to the year 1938 and find that Adolf Hitler has been killed by a bomb planted in his pocket. Your family is dead, your home destroyed, and you are now trapped in the past.
> Impersonate Hitler.
You impersonate Adolf Hitler and convince everyone that you are the real man behind the throne. The people accept your rule and you become Emperor.
> Be nice to Jews.
You decide to be nice to the Jews since they helped you during World War II. They all have jobs and everything is fine. However, you realize that this isn't going to last forever and eventually someone will rebel against your rule.
> Call my advisors.
You call your advisors and explain that you need their advice on how to deal with the rebellion. They agree to come with you but only if they get first dibs on any new jobs or promotions.
> “Who is rebelling?”
You say who is rebelling when the rebels attack. Everyone is shocked by your answer. You then order an invasion of Germany.
> Ask Jews who is rebelling.
You ask the Jews who is rebelling and they don't know. You then order them to spy on the rebels.
They spy on the rebels and discover that they are all Jewish. You then order them to kill every single one of them.
> Every single time!
You order the execution of every single Jew in Germany. This causes a huge uprising which you put down.
 I tried, guys. I really tried.