The Present Phase of the Problem 43
The Jewish problem, present throughout history, has assumed a particular character to-day—it is the character of a sharp reaction against the old pretence that Jews were identical with the nations in which they happened to live—it first took the form of irritation only—it was suddenly exasperated in a very high degree by the Jewish revolution in Russia—but long before this the increasing power of Jews in public life, the anti-Semitic writing on the Continent, the Dreyfus agitation, the South African War, and the Jewish leadership of Socialism had prepared the way—The situation on the outbreak of the Great War—Bolshevism—a short description to be expanded in a later chapter—Bolshevism is a Jewish movement, but not a movement of the Jewish race as a whole—its particular effect was to release criticism of Jewish power which had hitherto been silent from fear of, or sympathy with, Capitalism.
Men hesitated to attack the Jews as financiers because the stability of society and of their own fortunes was bound up with finance—but when a body of Jews also appeared as the active enemies of existing society and of private fortune, the restraint was removed—since the Bolshevist movement open (and hostile) discussion of the Jewish problem has become universal.
As usual, the discussion thread for chapter IV will be up next Saturday morning. I look forward to hearing from all of you.