Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chapter V The Special Causes of Friction

The Special Causes of Friction
I have called "Special" causes of Friction those which are remedial at will by either party—they would seem to be, on the Jewish side, the habit of secrecy and the habit of expressing a sense of superiority—on our side a disingenuousness and unintelligence in our treatment of Jews and a lack of charity.

The deplorable Jewish habit of secrecy—the use of false names—examples—excuses for same not adequate—a regular code of such names which deceive us but can be decoded by fellow Jews.

The expression of superiority by the Jew—our statesmanship has never sufficiently allowed for it—examples of this expression—Jewish interference in our religion—or national quarrels—and other departments which are alien to Jewish interests—on the other hand this quality has been a preservation of the race—the Jew should note the corresponding sense of superiority on our side—even the poor hack-writer, if he be of European blood, feels himself superior to the Jewish millionaire.

For next week, we will be discussing the preface to the 1937 edition, which, frankly, is a chapter of its own.

As always, very interested to hear your thoughts.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Updating our reading schedule

Since I had already posted that we'd be continuing with Chapter V this Saturday, I intend to carry on with that. But since Yehuda helpfully pointed out an online edition with the 1937 preface, I thought it would be appropriate to rewind a bit and cover that preface the following week. In case you were unaware, Belloc's book was originally published in 1922, and had a few reprintings. In the 1937 edition, he added a preface that referred to the contemporary treatment of Jews in Germany and how his various predictions turned out.

So, again, this Saturday, we'll be continuing with Chapter V: The Special Causes of Friction. The following Saturday, we'll cover the preface.

Now all of you (except Yehuda), go back to being good goyim. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chapter IV The General Causes of Friction

The General Causes of Friction    69

The strain between Jewry and its hosts in Islam and Christendom much older than any modern cause can account for—the true causes are both general and particular—I call those general which are ineradicable and proceed from the contrasting natures of the two races, particular those which depend upon the will on either side and can be modified to the advantage of both.

The general cause of friction being a contrast in fundamental character, we note that the common accusations brought against Jews are false, as are the common praises given him by those not of the race.—In each case what has to be noted is not a series of virtues or vices special to the Jew, but the racial character or tone of each quality.

These examined—the Jewish courage—examples—the Jewish generosity—the strength of Jewish patriotism—the consequent indifference to our national feelings—accusations arising therefrom, especially in time of war—the Jewish power of concentration—of eloquence—the Jewish tendency to "push" a Jewish success and hide a Jewish failure or danger—the evil effects of this tendency in our mutual relations.

The poverty of the Jewish people—false effect produced by a few great Jewish fortunes—the instability of these—cringing of wealthy Europeans to Jewish money-dealers—dependence of our politicians on wealthy Jews—evil effect of this in the attempt to regulate domestic affairs of Eastern Europe.

The ill effect of the partially Jewish financial monopoly—especially with Parliamentary corruption as pronounced as it is to-day.

Again, the discussion thread for Chapter V will be up next Saturday morning. So what do you think of this chapter?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Seeking clarity of language

As has already been noted in discussion here, in the English language, there is a frustrating ambiguity to the term "Jewish". This ambiguity has been exploited by dishonest people to deny the existence of Jewish in-group preference, which habit produces further anger among those disadvantaged by this in-group preference.

Now, I am not the master of the English language, so I cannot enforce any kind of decision, but we could decide among ourselves a set of terms we'll agree on to discuss this topic and to have maximum possible clarity of the issue.

As I see it, there are three relevant questions as to Jewishness:

  • First, there is the religion of Judaism.
  • Second, there is the Jewish culture.
  • Third, there is the biological race of Jews. (As I understand it, it might be more accurate to say races, as there are several distinct sub-groups.)
Now, depending what person you're talking about, any or all of the three may apply. As far as I can tell, if someone practices the religion, they will also be inculcated in the culture. However, there is a distinct culture which is still shared among those who are not religious. Frankly, as far as I can tell, these days, the cultural, but-not-religious Jew is the one causing the most trouble. I am happy to take correction on that point, however.

From what I understand (again, this is without detailed study, happy to learn better), Ashkenazi Jews, which is whom we in the West largely deal with, are, in fact, a sub-set of Europeans. They have roughly European intelligence (nope, no 115 average). Thus, the biological aspect is of the least interest to me, personally.

So any given person could be a religious, cultural, and biological Jew, a cultural and biological Jew, a religious and cultural Jew, or a biological Jew with no connection to the religion or culture. I suspect the religion does not exist without the cultural factors.

Does this sound like an accurate assessment of the relevant questions? If so, what terms should we use to distinguish these? (Reminder: No racial slurs, please. That is one of the ground rules.)

Noel Ignatiev, anti-white filth, is now dead. The Catholic Church forbids what I would like to say further.

Noel Ignatiev (yep, Jewish) recently died after a lifetime working to destroy white people and incite anti-white hatred. I hope he died painfully.

A short explanation of Ignatiev's work.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chapter III The Present Phase of the Problem

The Present Phase of the Problem     43

    The Jewish problem, present throughout history, has assumed a particular character to-day—it is the character of a sharp reaction against the old pretence that Jews were identical with the nations in which they happened to live—it first took the form of irritation only—it was suddenly exasperated in a very high degree by the Jewish revolution in Russia—but long before this the increasing power of Jews in public life, the anti-Semitic writing on the Continent, the Dreyfus agitation, the South African War, and the Jewish leadership of Socialism had prepared the way—The situation on the outbreak of the Great War—Bolshevism—a short description to be expanded in a later chapter—Bolshevism is a Jewish movement, but not a movement of the Jewish race as a whole—its particular effect was to release criticism of Jewish power which had hitherto been silent from fear of, or sympathy with, Capitalism.

    Men hesitated to attack the Jews as financiers because the stability of society and of their own fortunes was bound up with finance—but when a body of Jews also appeared as the active enemies of existing society and of private fortune, the restraint was removed—since the Bolshevist movement open (and hostile) discussion of the Jewish problem has become universal.

As usual, the discussion thread for chapter IV will be up next Saturday morning. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Let us celebrate this great man's birth

Not entirely on topic (although not entirely off topic either):

Today is the birthday of Sen. Joseph McCarthy. We should celebrate this great man's birth and pray that God will send us another in his mold.

Tailgunner Joe, we salute you.

Reminder: Discussion thread for chapter 3 opens this Saturday. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chapter II The Denial of the Problem

The Denial of the Problem 17

In the immediate past the problem was shirked in Western Europe by a mere denial of its existence—some were honestly ignorant of the existence of a Jewish nation—some thought the difference one of religion only—more admitted the existence of a separate nation but thought a convenient fiction, that it did not exist, necessary to the modern state.

This ignorance or fiction has broken down in our own time—partly through the necessary reaction of truth against any falsehood—partly through the increasing numbers of the Jews in Western countries—more through the great increase of their power.

Yet, though this old "Liberal" fiction about the Jews is dead, having proved unworkable in the face of fact, it had something to be said for it—it secured peace for a while—it chose models from the past—and it was based on a certain truth, to wit, that the Jew takes on very rapidly the superficial characters of the nation in which he happens for the time to be living—moreover it was desired by the Jews themselves—example of the old Jewish Peer and his claim "to be let alone"—practical proof of the failure in his case.

At any rate the old "Liberal" fiction is now quite useless—the problem is admitted and must be solved.

Please post your quotes, comments, questions and disagreements. Again, the discussion post for chapter III will be posted here next Saturday morning.

God be with you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I was just reviewing the analytics from this blog

We've got 11 pageviews from Israel. (((They're))) watching.


Discussion for chapter two opens Saturday morning.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion thread for preface & chapter one

The Thesis of this Book

The Jews are an alien body within the society they inhabit—hence irritation and friction—a problem is presented by the strains thus set up—the solution of that problem is urgently necessary.

An alien body in any organism is disposed of in one of two ways: elimination and segregation.

Elimination may be by destruction, by excretion or by absorption—in the case of the Jews the first is abominable and, further, has failed—the second means exile: it has also failed—the third, absorption, the most probable and most moral, has failed throughout the past, though having everything in its favour.

There remains segregation, which may be of two forms: hostile to, or careless of, the alien body, or friendly to it and careful of its good—in this latter form it may best be called Recognition. The first kind of segregation has often been attempted in history—it has been partially successful over long periods—but has always left behind it a sense of injustice and has not really solved the problem—also it has always failed in the end.

The true solution is in the second kind of segregation, that is, recognition on both sides of a separate Jewish nationality.

As I said, I wish to promote discussion here, not just blog my own thoughts, so while I intend to contribute, I'm going to wait until a couple of other people comment first, then post my own thoughts.

Thanks for joining us. God be with you.

Update: I assumed this would be obvious, but realized I should probably make it explicit: Next Saturday I will post the discussion thread for chapter two. If you haven't read it, do so and think of what you'd like to say relevant to the topic.