Sunday, August 15, 2021

Chapter 15 - The Descent of the Gods

Part 1 - Five of the planetary eldils descend upon St. Anne's. We see the effects of their personalities upon the human inhabitants of the house.

Part 2 - A stranger is brought to Belbury to interview "Merlin." He begins translating for Frost & Wither and finishes with "Merlin" ordering them out (by way of his translator) and then he puts Mark to sleep.

Part 3 - Frost & Wither debate what is to be done with "Merlin." The notice that it very much appears that the translator is in command, but don't know what to make of this. Wither forgets an important appointment, and upon realizing this, finds it very disturbing. The machinery that has, for most purposes, replaced his personality, seems to be breaking down. They return to the room to find "Merlin" ordering one of them to take him on a tour of the facility.

Part 4- Frost takes Mark to the Objective Room and tells him to trample a crucifix. After a long internal struggle, Mark refuses. Before Frost can react, Wither, "Merlin" and Merlin burst into the room.

Part 5 - The nominal director Jules arrives before the banquet. He finds the N.I.C.E. in some disarray, with Wither unaccountably missing. Finally, Frost, and Wither show up along with a couple of others. Wither attempts to introduce him to "Merlin," but this does not go well.

So for those intending to continue with Centrism Games, I hope you've ordered your copies, since we're almost finished here. The story of N.I.C.E. comes to a rather jarring conclusion and Lewis wraps up the more personal stories.

I look forward to your thoughts.