About a year and a half ago, after Donald Trump criticized Baltimore (then Elijah Cumming's district) as being filthy and unhealthy, a group of conservative activists decided to actually fix something. (Right wing activists fix things. Left wing activists break and burn them. Funny how that works.)
The story from a local news channel
Over the course of a full day, a group of volunteers cleaned up 12 tons of trash from this West Baltimore neighborhood. It was a real accomplishment, and I applaud the organizer Scott Presler.
Here's the question I've never heard anyone address though: How did that 12 tons of trash get there in the first place? Why was this neighborhood such a disaster? And the answer is because the people who lived there, largely black, left it that way. The volunteers, and I'd bet my bottom dollar they're significantly more white than the U.S. population in general, didn't do any miracles. They didn't do one single thing that the residents could not have done for themselves, especially considering that this could have been prevented one bit of litter or debris at a time.
This neighborhood was this way because that's how black people live. White people didn't drive to their neighborhood and dump their trash there. They did it to themselves, and, unless something radically changes, in another few years, that neighborhood will look much the same as it did before the clean-up.
So if you want a clean, safe neighborhood, you want white neighbors. But speaking the truth is not allowed these days.
It's not a big margin, but it appears our next book will be That Hideous Strength. I suspect, however, that not everybody has a copy, so over the next few weeks, we'll read through The Power of the Powerless. I'm a bit busy this week, so I'll post the first discussion thread on this next Saturday, March 27, on sections I-VI. I look forward to your thoughts on it.