Part VIII - Post-totalitarian systems impose a false, anti-human way of life on their subjects. Refusal to play along with the lie is a constant threat to their power. Simple refusal to speak the lie is a form of power and inevitably creates a formidable opposition.
Part IX - We need a higher cause than mere survival and material prosperity. Loyalty to the truth can be that cause. It may not produce immediate payoffs, but it will, by its nature, create resistance to post-totalitarianism.
Part X - In a post-totalitarian system, there is no such thing as non-political activity. Those who depend on lies must fear (and thus must attack) dissent from any possible angle. Nothing can be left alone to be enjoyed for its own sake because there is no telling where dissent may suddenly pop up.
Sorry for posting this late (and short), guys. I can only plead that we're still getting moved in and set up and it's consuming more time and energy than I had anticipated. Hopefully, we'll have everything back to normal soon. I'll try to get through part XIV for the next post.