Wednesday, September 16, 2020

More of the same

 I'm sorry that posts here have been spotty recently. This is the best quick explanation I have:

Unfortunately, I can't give much more explanation than that because that would require revealing information I'd rather not spray around the internet. I fully intend for us to finish this book, and I hope you stay with me, Lugnuts, Wiffiely, Wanderer, Mark, and any lurkers. I will get this going again, but now is an amazingly awkward time.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Cantos XXVII and XXVIII Thieves and the Sowers of Discord

 Canto XXVII

The spirit of Guido da Montefeltro asks for news of Romagna, and, being answered, tells his story.


From the bridge over the Ninth Bowge the Poets look down upon the Sowers of Discord, who are continually smitten asunder by a Demon with a sword. Dante is addressed by Mahomet and Pier da Medicina, who send messages of warning to people on earth. He sees Curio and Mosca, and finally Bertrand de Born.

Sorry about the week off. Some of you already know why. If you don't, all I will say is that my day-to-day life was significantly disrupted. I'd rather not say more than that in an open forum.

I have caught up with my reading and will return to previous chapters I'd missed. And I suppose that it's appropriate that it's in 2020 that we're reading all about Hell.